
Showing posts from May, 2021
We will never be perfect, but we can be better! We all have bias. Whether it be racial, the way we raise our kids, what we think is morally correct and in pretty much every facet of life. This bias we have is shaped by our own experiences, the way we were raised, lessons we have learned, the education we were given, religions and the things we have been exposed to. The older I get, the more I realise how bias all my own opinions and views are. I see everything through my own lens. I am often ashamed of things I have said in the past, and judgements I have made due to my own bias. Often I see words leave my mouth, and I wish I could catch them and shove them back in.  The more life throws at us, the more we begin to understand and experience how other parts of life , the challenges and pain feel and impact us. It begins to change us and make us better people, because we have been able to experience things from a whole new perspective, a lived perspective. One other thing that can c